Sellwood Cycle is currently located at 7953 SE 13th Ave in the Sellwood neighborhood in Portland, Oregon. We've had a few other locations over the years, but we've always been in the neighborhood. Our current space is much larger than our last and we've managed to fill it up, just as you would expect.
Owned by Erik Tonkin, the shop has been open since 1991. We have always operated in a way that makes sense (to us at least); that is to say we are reasonable people and we focus primarily on service.
While repair has always been our focus, reselling bikes has been a big part of our business as well. We are one of only a few shops in town that deals in reliable used bikes, and our reputation supports that. We enjoy giving bikes new lives.
Our goal is to help you get what you need out of your bicycle. That might mean fixing your current bike, helping you find a used or new bike, or getting you the parts and accessories you need to make your current bike awesome.
We value our customers as they are an integral part of the shop - we wouldn't be here without you!
Thanks for all the great years and all the memories.

A small glimpse of our old humble shop space, not too far from where we're located now: